Site Announcements

December is Work/Life Balance Month 2023

December is Work/Life Balance Month 2023
Published on Thursday, December 7, 2023, 12:59 PM by DANA DEROUCHEY

December is Work - Life Balance Month

Join Team AgLearn in observing this year’s Work/Life Balance Month, an annual month-long event every December emphasizing the importance of healthy boundaries between labor and leisure time.

What is Work/Life Balance?

Work-life balance looks different for everyone, but it generally means having a healthy split between time spent on work-related activities and personal activities. This balance allows individuals to enjoy life outside of work, leads to improved happiness, satisfaction, and overall wellbeing.

Here are some questions to help you reflect on your own work-life balance:

  1. Do I often feel overwhelmed or stressed by my work?
  2. Am I able to disconnect from work during my personal time?
  3. Do I have enough time for my hobbies and interests?
  4. Do I spend quality time with my family and friends regularly?
  5. Am I able to focus and be productive during my working hours?

No matter how you answer these questions, there is always more to learn about the importance of work and its relationship to your life outside work, and AgLearn is here to help.

To learn more about work/life balance, take advantage of some of the curated resources AgLearn has to offer!

Featured Work/Life Balance Resources