AgLearn Support

ARCHIVED: Ask AgLearn Now - Updated Interface & Features is Live!

ARCHIVED: Ask AgLearn Now - Updated Interface & Features is Live!
Published on Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9:47 AM by GABRIEL MARTINEZ

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Ask AgLearn - Updated Interface and Features is Live

Ask AgLearn Now, also referenced as AAN, has been the longstanding help desk and online support for AgLearn users. The current Ask AgLearn Now platform has provided our USDA users and External Partners support since 2011. While that was sufficient, the availability of emerging technology coupled with our effort to continue modernizing incited Team AgLearn to migrate to an updated platform. The name Ask AgLearn Now will remain the same with the continued Team AgLearn support but will now utilize an improved interface and user experience. 

Beginning November 22, 2021 Ask AgLearn Now will utilize the new platform for all AgLearn help desk and online support tools. 

NOTE: All existing AAN Answers and content are migrating to the new platform, but each page will have a new URL associated with it beginning Nov. 22. If you have bookmarked Ask AgLearn Now pages, the links from those bookmarks will be redirected to a landing page with a link to access the new platform.

The Ask AgLearn Now (Help) link on the top navigation bar in AgLearn will remain and is the recommended method to access the new platform.