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ARCHIVED: AgLearn Admin Training

ARCHIVED: AgLearn Admin Training
Published on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 11:14 AM by GABRIEL MARTINEZ

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AgLearn Admin Training


These courses are created for experienced AgLearn Administrators who are familiar with AgLearn v11. The goal of these courses is to bridge an administrator's knowledge from the current version to the v14 upgrade in April 2022.

AgLearn Administrator Bridge course

In this bridge course, the following topics will be discussed: Administrator Tab Location, Report Changes, Program Changes, User Profile Changes, Managing SF182’s and Engage.

Learn more about the AgLearn Administrator Bridge course.

AgLearn v14 Bridge Courses Program

This program is the collection of the four bridge courses that will help users transition from the current version 11 of AgLearn to version 14 (updated in April 2022). These courses are intended to show the major differences between versions and bridge the gap in knowledge and additional features. Feel free to take any or all the courses as many times as you need.

Each course will highlight different parts of AgLearn based on a users permission level. Much like the standard AgLearn specific online training, these course are broken down into level.

  • Basics of AgLearn Bridge course (100) - Intended for all users of AgLearn. Start here to see the changes that any user will see.
  • AgLearn Supervisor Bridge course (200) - This is intended to show supervisors and managers some of the changes they will see with their elevated role.
  • AgLearn Course and Activities Creator Bridge course (300) - This course is specifically for course creators. This highlights all the changes with courses and activities.
  • AgLearn Administrator Bridge course (400) - This course goes behinds the scenes as an administrator and all the feature and functional changes you may use as an administrator.

Learn more about the AgLearn v14 Bridge Courses Program.

To self-enroll in this program:

  1. Select your Record of Learning tab.
  2. In the Learning Block, select your Assignment Plan.
  3. On the Assignment Plan page, select the Programs tab.
  4. Once loaded, select the Add Programs button.
  5. A new window will display, select the Search tab, input: AgLearn v14 Bridge Courses, select Search.
  6. The search result will show the program, select the program link, it will move to the Items to Add section.
  7. Now, select Save. The search window will close, and the program will be on your assignment plan and Record of Learning. You may now take any and all bridge courses in this program.


AgLearn Administrator Training: Engage

(Originally Presented - March 29, 2022 at 1:00 EST)

This one hour session will familiarize administrators with the AgLearn Engage feature.

  • Transform the way your audiences learns. Members of your teams will not only learn more effectively, they will enjoy the learning process more with Engage.
  • Enable social, collaborative, user-driven learning to be seamlessly integrated. There is a huge amount of training content out there, both inside and outside AgLearn - Training podcasts, training articles, YouTube videos and even forum threads. Engage will allow you to take these extra resources and create playlists for your learner's use.
  • Engage is not meant to replace Share Point, FAQs, or other department resources.

AgLearn Administrator Training: 300 Level CBT Bridge

(Originally Presented - March 23, 2022 at 2:00 EST)

This one hour session is for experienced Course Creators or Course Managers who are familiar with AgLearn v11. It is highly recommended that you complete the AgLearn Course Manager courses 300 series before taking this course.

AgLearn Administrator Training: 400 Level CBT Bridge

(Originally Presented - March 22, 2022 at 1:00 EST)

This one hour session is for experienced Administrators who are familiar with AgLearn v11. It is highly recommended that you complete the AgLearn Course Manager courses 400 series before taking this course.

I Didn't Know I could... External Link

(Originally Presented - May 13, 2021 at 2:00 EST)

Did you ever want to know how to create a Confirmation Completion Course for paper-based courses or courses taught outside AgLearn? This course will teach you all the ins and outs. This course will also teach you how to set course and activity completion settings.

Creating Programs External Link

(Originally Presented - April 22, 2021 at 2:00 EST)

This class will show you how to create a program and the different uses of the program option in AgLearn.

Mastering Reports External Link

(Originally Presented - April 08, 2021 at 2:00 EST)

Administrators need to be able to run reports in order to access data in AgLearn. This training session will show you how to run some of those needed reports. We will also discuss how to master the different fields and search options.

Booking Learners into a Seminar External Link

(Originally Presented - March 11, 2021 at 2:00 EST)

This course will review how to book learners into seminars. This course will show how learners and administrators can book learners into seminars.