Site Announcements

Working Remotely (during COVID-19)

Working Remotely (during COVID-19)
Published on Thursday, March 12, 2020, 4:37 PM by JEROME DAVIN

Working remotely during COVID-19

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services, including counseling, is available to all employees who may be experiencing personal problems that may affect their job performance, conduct, or attendance.  You may visit the EAP website for information on how to contact your designated (contracted) EAP provider.  No personal information regarding your visit can be obtained by anyone without your written consent, and your participation is not noted in your E-OPF.

The following course provides a detailed overview on what COVID-19 is, who is at the highest risk of contracting it, how it's transmitted, signs and symptoms, and precautions you should take to prevent and treat it.

Compliance Short: Coronaviruses and COVID-19

LinkedIn Learning Courses - Available to all USDA Federal Employees 

Remote Working: Setting Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success 

Managing Meetings

The following blog post from Skillsoft addresses business continuity during a global crisis.  It includes course clips related to the impact of infectious diseases, contingency response strategies, and how to effectively lead remotely.

Access blog post here

The following courses from Skillsoft are also available to USDA federal employees. These courses are designed to assist in keeping you engaged and productive in your daily activities while working remotely.

Preparing and Working During the Coronavirus (Skillsoft Custom Channel for USDA)

Telework for Government Employees (Skillsoft/AgLearn)

Managing in a Crisis (Skillsoft/AgLearn)

Responding Effectively to Risks (Skillsoft/AgLearn)

Facing Virtual Team Challenges (Skillsoft/AgLearn)

Working Remotely (Skillsoft)

Leading Virtually (Skillsoft)

Business Continuity (Skillsoft)

Managing Virtual Teams (Skillsoft)

Working Effectively on a Team (Skillsoft)

Establishing Effective Virtual Teams (Skillsoft)

Facing Virtual Team Challenges (Skillsoft)

Contributing as a Virtual Team Member (Skillsoft)

(Edited by DANA DEROUCHEY - original submission Thursday, March 12, 2020, 2:37 PM)